Operations and Administration

The flow of Administration of this Local Government starts from the Chairman/Caretaker Chairman to the Head of Local Government Administration through the Director of Administration & Generals Services to the Entire Staffs’

Operations And Administration Details

The smooth takes off of the newly created LCDAs was on 16th January, 2017 vide the posting instruction Ref. No. C.1324/204 whereby one hundred and forty-five (145) staff (Junior and Senior) from the mother Local Government, ATISBO Local Government were deployed to ATISBO South LCDA, Ago-Are.  It is stating the obvious that the LG/LCDA as the name implies, is the third tier of Government that is close to the grassroots.  Only two arms of Government are prominent at the LG/LCDA level.  The prominent arms are the Executive and Legislative arms of Government.

            In line with the State Government policy and directive of Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, LCDA has eight (8) departments viz:-

  1. Administration & General Services
  2. Agriculture & Natural Resources
  3. Budget, Planning, Research & Statistic
  4. Education and Social Services
  5. Environmental Health Services
  6. Finance & Supplies
  7. Primary Health Care
  8. Works, Transport, Housing Lands & Survey

The Head of Local Government Administration (HLGA) is appointed by Local Government Service Commission from among the serving Local Government staff on Grade Level 16.  He is the accounting officer of the LCDA.  He advised on the council policy matters and implementing council decisions.  The Acting HLGA is saddled with the responsibility of administrative management and control of staff of LCDA hence the post is strictly based on merit, seniority, competence and experience.